
Rare Wheels

in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:34 pm
by r66stu (deleted)


Some of you may have read about my trouble with trying to find a spare 10 inch / 5 inch wide 5 stud wheel for my 1961 eriba faun. I have had it confirmed that these are the standard wheels. And very hard to find.

After a lot of reasurch, I found a company called "image wheels" who specialise in mini, and other types of wheels. After getting in contact they have advised that they can custom make some to my specifications!! Woohoo.

If you look on their website I am fingers crossed going for the Billet 46 Classic wheels. I think these are really in keeping with the era of my van, and are styled like the lightweight jaguar racers.

I initially just wanted a spare, but am going to buy 3 wheels. 2 on the van and one spare. I can keep the old originals in the shed.
I am really looking forward to getting them, and will be dropping one of my wheels off this weekend for them to base the new measurements on.


I will post some pictures when they are made and then fitted.

1961 Eriba Faun towed by a BMW 320d M-Sport Plus Edition.

, Randa france and Ribski like this post!
Last edited Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:34 pm | Scroll up


RE: Rare Wheels

in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:06 am
by eribaMotters | 5.339 Posts

They do look nice.
I am guessing the company are flexible on special orders as you need 10" and they say the style you want is available for 15" to 22" diameter.
Are we allowed to ask the question of cost?


eribaless at present, 4th eriba, a 2017 430 on order.
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RE: Rare Wheels

in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:06 am
by r66stu (deleted)

Hi Colin,

The guy I have been speaking with has been really helpful and advised me they can be as flexible as possible if I am willing to pay. (my options are only limited to their Billet style wheels)

They have quoted me £144 per wheel (VAT Inclusive) and I know some may say that's a lot for a 10" wheel, but I think that's a really fair price for a bespoke made wheel that I cannot for the life of me find anywhere.(when you conciser prep time, materials, labour, profit margin I think the price is fair),


1961 Eriba Faun towed by a BMW 320d M-Sport Plus Edition.
Ribski, Randa france and campnsnooze like this post!
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RE: Rare Wheels

in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:17 am
by r66stu (deleted)

I have a few days if i want to change my mind on the style, i must admit i do also like the BILLET 107 style. They look great. hmm i will have to decide.

1961 Eriba Faun towed by a BMW 320d M-Sport Plus Edition.
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RE: Rare Wheels

in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jan 05, 2017 10:08 am
by Randa france | 12.955 Posts

Spoilt for choice now Stu . I think I'm with you regarding BILLET 107 as the range of wheels shown are probably 15", 16" or 17" and most will not look good when you down scale them to 10". I also like BILLET 18 or similar which have a few slotted holes but leave a lot of wheel metal behind.


1999 Eriba Troll 530 pushing a VW Touran 2L TDi Match

Last edited Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:12 pm | Scroll up


RE: Rare Wheels

in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jan 05, 2017 10:15 am
by r66stu (deleted)

Those BILLET 18's are nice Randa, and look Very strong...I will have to decide.

1961 Eriba Faun towed by a BMW 320d M-Sport Plus Edition.
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RE: Rare Wheels

in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jan 05, 2017 10:20 am
by Randa france | 12.955 Posts

Hi Stu.
Although you've got a lightweight Eriba, are the suppliers satisfied that the two wheels with take the weight? I can't remember what an old Mini weighs in at.

Randa (I'm a born worrier)

1999 Eriba Troll 530 pushing a VW Touran 2L TDi Match

Last edited Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:12 pm | Scroll up


RE: Rare Wheels

in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jan 05, 2017 4:32 pm
by eribaMotters | 5.339 Posts

For a bespoke piece of engineering I think that price is fair. I was expecting higher.


eribaless at present, 4th eriba, a 2017 430 on order.
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RE: Rare Wheels

in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:22 pm
by campnsnooze | 1.148 Posts

From a girls point of view I like the 107's...but being a bit practical, looks like they will be easier to fit a security wheel clamp. I might even invest in 2 after spending that sort of dosh ( but worth it)!!

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