
FOR SALE! Eriba Pan 1980

in Got an Eriba or anything Eriba-related to sell? Looking for a caravan, parts or accessories? Put your adverts here Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:10 am
by Jansje (deleted)

We are selling our lovely vintage Eriba Pan 1980 as we have moved up a size and bought a Triton. Orange is the new black! The interior is delightfully original including curtains, seat covers, lighting, cabinets, etc. It comes with the beautiful original duo-colored green pyramid canopy, electric cable, gas bottle etc. Bed size 190 x 190cm. Original vintage wheels. Poptop fabric in good shape.

I have attached a link with some pics but please contact me for full details. The van is located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

4500 euro

Last edited Thu Jun 01, 2017 2:30 pm | Scroll up


RE: For sale! Eriba Pan 1980

in Got an Eriba or anything Eriba-related to sell? Looking for a caravan, parts or accessories? Put your adverts here Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:21 am
by Tomored | 2.128 Posts

Hi and to the forum, hope to hear more from you and your new Triton
Tom & Margaret

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