
RE: WANTED 22MY Rockabilly

in Got an Eriba or anything Eriba-related to sell? Looking for a caravan, parts or accessories? Put your adverts here Thu Apr 20, 2023 12:54 am
by reba | 21 Posts

A must for any Gentleman Jack fans, seller is the song writer and performer of Jack the lass (theme tune of Gentleman Jack}

mitsubishi asx, to the rear troll 550
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RE: WANTED 22MY Rockabilly

in Got an Eriba or anything Eriba-related to sell? Looking for a caravan, parts or accessories? Put your adverts here Thu Apr 20, 2023 9:52 am
by Tincanners (deleted)

Quote: Randa france wrote in post #15

This has come up on Facebook Market Place Today. Any good to you?


Good Morning Randa,

Well spotted 22MY...I'll take look, and update you by PM.

Thank you.


VW Kombi Campervan seeking Eriba. See Profile/Wanted Post
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RE: WANTED 22MY Rockabilly

in Got an Eriba or anything Eriba-related to sell? Looking for a caravan, parts or accessories? Put your adverts here Thu Apr 20, 2023 9:57 am
by Tincanners (deleted)

Quote: reba wrote in post #16
A must for any Gentleman Jack fans, seller is the song writer and performer of Jack the lass (theme tune of Gentleman Jack}

Interesting fun fact reba....


VW Kombi Campervan seeking Eriba. See Profile/Wanted Post
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RE: WANTED 22MY Rockabilly

in Got an Eriba or anything Eriba-related to sell? Looking for a caravan, parts or accessories? Put your adverts here Thu Apr 20, 2023 1:31 pm
by Randa france | 13.325 Posts

Roy. I've PMed you all the details.

Meanwhile here are the photos that go with the ad. There are two interior shots which I think are off a brochure.

Tin canners 01.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)Tin canners 02.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)Tin canners 03.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)


ERIBAFOLK POP UP EVERYWHERE 1999 Eriba Troll 530 pushing a VW Touran 2L TDi Match . FORUM ADMINISTRATOR
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RE: WANTED 22MY Rockabilly

in Got an Eriba or anything Eriba-related to sell? Looking for a caravan, parts or accessories? Put your adverts here Thu Apr 20, 2023 3:17 pm
by Tincanners (deleted)

Thanks Randa,

We will check it out, what a shame its not being advertised on here for all Eriba Folk to see?


VW Kombi Campervan seeking Eriba. See Profile/Wanted Post
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RE: WANTED 22MY Rockabilly

in Got an Eriba or anything Eriba-related to sell? Looking for a caravan, parts or accessories? Put your adverts here Thu Apr 20, 2023 3:30 pm
by Randa france | 13.325 Posts

It is linked to Eribafolk Facebook however.


ERIBAFOLK POP UP EVERYWHERE 1999 Eriba Troll 530 pushing a VW Touran 2L TDi Match . FORUM ADMINISTRATOR
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RE: WANTED 22MY Rockabilly

in Got an Eriba or anything Eriba-related to sell? Looking for a caravan, parts or accessories? Put your adverts here Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:29 pm
by Tincanners (deleted)

Hi Randa,

Update; having looked at this, its not for us..Thank you.

As always thanks for looking and keeping an eye out :-)

Roy & Clare

VW Kombi Campervan seeking Eriba. See Profile/Wanted Post

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Last edited Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:52 pm | Scroll up



in Got an Eriba or anything Eriba-related to sell? Looking for a caravan, parts or accessories? Put your adverts here Thu Apr 27, 2023 12:21 pm
by Tincanners (deleted)

No longer seeking 22MY Rockabilly

We have learned through this process in the knowledge that highly
specified units are few and far between. Some offered for sale we
could have improved on, in retro fitting the parts needed to meet
our requirements.Only when fully costed out, the numbers simply
don't add up :-(

Time for an Eriba rethink!

Last edited Tue May 09, 2023 7:24 pm | Scroll up



in Got an Eriba or anything Eriba-related to sell? Looking for a caravan, parts or accessories? Put your adverts here Thu May 11, 2023 12:45 pm
by Tincanners (deleted)

22 MY Rockabilly / Ocean Drive Buyers Guide.

Our experience whilst looking to purchase a used 22MY in talking with private
owners who after 1 year are finding its not for them, has shown some newbies
bought in haste. Thinking they purchased 'high spec' special edition Rockabilly
or Ocean Drive, when in reality their purchase choice was actually a fairly basic
unit, to standard specification with little factory options. In some cases without
an autonomy pack, having the dealer fit the leisure battery and charger.

All well and good, if you know exactly what you are purchasing I suppose. Only
what happens when you want to sell it. I suspect that would be difficult. Our
interest soon disappeared, thinking what are we buying here, at what price.

Please do your research in what you are interested in. Check what is standard
specification and what is factory options, as well as dealer fit items. If priced
accordingly some missing factory options can be retro fitted by Eriba dealers,
bearing in mind the last of dealer stock 'fully loaded' 22MY units sold NEW 30k.

Be aware of used sale prices to actual specification. If your looking to purchase
see attached 22MY price list, for guidance. Hope this helps....

Good Luck,

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eriba_caravan_preisliste_gb_mj_2022_2_auflage_webversion_250.pdf eriba_caravan_preisliste_gb_mj_2022_2_auflage_webversion_250.pdf

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Last edited Thu May 11, 2023 3:05 pm | Scroll up



in Got an Eriba or anything Eriba-related to sell? Looking for a caravan, parts or accessories? Put your adverts here Mon May 15, 2023 10:49 pm
by Inspecta_Gadget | 346 Posts

Quote: Tincanners wrote in post #23
No longer seeking 22MY Rockabilly

We have learned through this process in the knowledge that highly
specified units are few and far between. Some offered for sale we
could have improved on, in retro fitting the parts needed to meet
our requirements.Only when fully costed out, the numbers simply
don't add up :-(

Time for an Eriba rethink!

Is the Rethink a new MY24 design then?

Hyundai i30 Estate pulling a Troll 530.
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in Got an Eriba or anything Eriba-related to sell? Looking for a caravan, parts or accessories? Put your adverts here Tue May 16, 2023 11:23 am
by Tincanners (deleted)

A New MY24 Design Then - Banter Right?

If a genuine Question in offering an Answer: We've not
given up on finding our choice of Eriba, as to what model
or MY we're still undecided.


Last edited Wed May 17, 2023 8:56 am | Scroll up

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