
Honda Civic

in We've got it down to a T Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:50 am
by TrolleyBoy (deleted)

Having grey hair, bus pass, hat and driving gloves I've gone for a full house in buying a Honda!
Does anyone on here tow with a Civic diesel?
On paper it should be fine, but wondered if I'm the only one !!

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RE: Honda Civic

in We've got it down to a T Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:22 pm
by sibillini | 236 Posts

We have a CRV with the 2.2 diesel and it is a great towcar. Julie Grafo I think has a CRV with the 1.6 diesel. Can't help with the Civic but as I recall the Civic with the 1.6 i-dtec engine did well in the Towcar awards a couple of years ago.


2002 Eriba Troll 540 (Elsie) + Honda CRV 2.2 diesel
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RE: Honda Civic

in We've got it down to a T Mon Sep 21, 2015 10:04 am
by TrolleyBoy (deleted)

Thanks for the link - with a "normal" caravan their Civic hatchback didn't fare too well, hopefully my tourer (estate) coupled with an Eriba will perform more satisfactorily - which is why I posted here in case anyone had experience with theirs. Looks like I may be the only Civic -Eriba combo.
So far it is being frugal with fuel, very comfortable and has many more toys than my previous Passat.
Have bought some Si &S mirrors as it is also narrower.
Might have to respray the 'van beige!!!

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RE: Honda Civic

in We've got it down to a T Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:45 pm
by Julie Grafo | 3.467 Posts

As sibilini said we have the CRV with the 1.6 iDtec engine. It is more than capable of towing an Eriba and in a smaller car I would have thought (not that I know anything much) that it would perform even better. Does that make sense?

Puck L 225 GT pushing Honda CRV SE 1.6 i-DTEC
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RE: Honda Civic

in We've got it down to a T Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:00 am
by Rabiedmushroom (deleted)

It's only a Puck but my Jazz tows it just fine, at times when I need to take the 'proper car' rather than my Mini. Ok it's a bit gutless going up hills, but as we know the petrol vtec engine is designed for revs not torque. But we're happy pootling along at sensible towing speeds, so I have no doubt a Civic + larger Eriba will work too.

The detachable Honda tow bars (Bosal made) aren't great; the key/detachment is awkward and mine's locked on solid. I might as well have got a fixed version in the first place!

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RE: Honda Civic

in We've got it down to a T Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:51 am
by TrolleyBoy (deleted)

I was looking forward to testing the combo this week . . . . . but . . . . as part of the deal I had a Honda approved detachable towbar fitted. Turns out to be a Bosal, and guess what - doesn't work!! Brand new and the lock is jammed even before its been mounted for the first time. If you look on YouTube under Bosal, the first video is about the same complaint. So, back to Honda for a replacement detachable section today. Hmmmf. Should've gone to PF Jones who are selling them at a huge discount (perhaps I know why now!)

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RE: Honda Civic

in We've got it down to a T Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:16 am
by Agger (deleted)

That's very annoying, worrying and sad. It's annoying as it has spoilt your pleasure of ownership and made you question whether or not you have made the right choice! It's worrying because you will always have doubt in your mind due to the failure of the original fitment which should of been fully tested on installation! It's sad as you now have your dream choice of tow vehicle and Eriba spoilt by the memory of this problem.

Personaly I'd be sorting out a heavy discount if not free towbar and fitment (you have to remain calm and unflustered, be professional and be prepared to threaten legal action (Why!) They have supplied and fitted a towbar which in this case is unfit for puurpose, a new one might be, but this original fitment which as I say should of been fully professionally fitted, tested and demonstrated to you.

I wish you luck and hope that this does not sour your ownership

Likes to wax and have a smooth finish! 😎

I am above no one and no one is below me
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RE: Honda Civic

in We've got it down to a T Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:13 am
by Pepé Le Pew | 2.723 Posts

Quote: Agger wrote in post #7
That's very annoying, worrying and sad. It's annoying as it has spoilt your pleasure of ownership and made you question whether or not you have made the right choice! It's worrying because you will always have doubt in your mind due to the failure of the original fitment which should of been fully tested on installation! It's sad as you now have your dream choice of tow vehicle and Eriba spoilt by the memory of this problem.

Personaly I'd be sorting out a heavy discount if not free towbar and fitment (you have to remain calm and unflustered, be professional and be prepared to threaten legal action (Why!) They have supplied and fitted a towbar which in this case is unfit for puurpose, a new one might be, but this original fitment which as I say should of been fully professionally fitted, tested and demonstrated to you.
I don't think there's any suggestion that the towbar wasn't professionally fitted. It's entirely possible that had the towbar been demonstrated (presupposing that it wasn't) it would have functioned perfectly at the time, and indeed have continued to do so.

They don't all go wrong.

If they did, Bosal would have been obliged to redesign it. If there was a safety issue they would have been obliged to recall them all for modification or replacement.

People are quick to complain - with every justification - when things fail to do what they are supposed to, but very rarely offer the counterpoint of praise when they function as intended.

I've got a Bosal detachable, and it detached when required to. I stopped taking it off because it was a faff, and I was glad of the protection it offered from infuriating park-by-feel drivers.

Our is now jammed on too, but it doesn't affect me because I choose not to detach it. Clearly that doesn't exonerate Bosal if the problem is a design flaw. Of course it doesn't. And I have every sympathy with those who are inconvenienced or upset if it doesn't work properly.

However, you have to bear in mind that all towbars have to meet stringent requirements and approvals before they are marketed, and that detachable ones will have been designed so that if the locking mechanism jams it will jam on rather than simply allowing the hitch to drop off.

In my case I'm happy to admit that I almost certainly contributed to the lock jamming. I haven't touched it for years, never mind routinely removed it and lubricated the mechanism. It's in a pretty exposed location, vulnerable to the ravages of constant drenching with filthy water and salt in winter, and few things in that kind of situation will continue to work faultlessly without periodic attention.

None of this is an attempt to excuse Bosal if the hitch on a new towbar jams on. I completely understand and sympathise with Ken's irritation, and I would be expecting it to be sorted PDQ as well, not least because it'll still be under warranty.

All I'm trying to do is put it in some kind of perspective. Just because there have been some documented cases of locking mechanisms jamming doesn't mean they all have, or that they all will. Sh*t happens. Nothing is perfect. Things break and fail because they can.

My own view, for what it's worth, is that to allow it to spoil your enjoyment of the car and caravan, rue their choice or spend sleepless nights fretting about the structural integrity of the towbar or its installation is an unnecessary overreaction.



Last edited Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:20 pm | Scroll up


RE: Honda Civic

in We've got it down to a T Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:57 am
by Bigloue (deleted)

We have a Honda Civic 2.2 DTI and have towed the Eriba Feeling with no bother it performed well on hills and stability on long straight roads. Should do what you want.

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Last edited Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:59 am | Scroll up


RE: Honda Civic

in We've got it down to a T Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:43 pm
by TrolleyBoy (deleted)

There's a good tip in there about the care of a detachable - noted, THANKS.
Nice Honda man is replacing faulty (new) unit with another hopefully non-faulty!
I took note of the key number so as not to have the "repaired" one back.
Returning to my new (to me) Civic, having covered close to 1000 miles so far, have seen only ONE Tourer,
so expect the combination of Eriba + Tourer to be quite rare . . . . . no-one on here has one, but the positive
comments about the 1.6 diesel engine are encouraging.

Pepé Le Pew and like this post!
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