Quote: Randa france wrote in post #16
This morning we’ve woken to and inch of settled snow.
You must be getting our entitlement then, Roger, as we've had very little when compared to previous years.
Well, for us that's it. The traditional meal was had last night (Xmas Eve) in common with several other European countries and it has to be said that Mrs Deeps did herself proud with the way she was able to turn a couple of Pigeon legs into a banquet. With us both being on medication, drinks were restricted to one glass of Merlot so woke up this morning bright and breezy - unlike previous years. However, we have a wedding anniversary coming up on the 28th December and will be celebrating in a restaurant. Already I am beginning to dribble at the thought of the beautiful steak to come. As in previous years, my socks and underwear draws have been replenished and I often wonder what Mrs Deeps reaction would be were I to buy here a new ironing board cover.

Whilst you lot in the UK will be tucking into your Turkey we've been invited to our neighbours for a few glasses of water; tea at a push, because they don't touch alcohol and some home made nibbles. No doubt Hans at this time will show me his collection of socks and underwear and we'll be able to judge who has the most fashionable line. Boxing day is a nothing day over here, no shops open, no people fighting over one another at the sales so no doubt we'll probably go for a long hike in an effort to shed a few kilos both to ensure we don't overload the Triton come the Spring and so that I don't look entirely ridiculous in my newly acquired Speedo's. If I can get back to looking something like I did last year then I'll be well satisfied.
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