
Hello from Cumbria

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:12 pm
by EribaEinstein (deleted)

Hello from Cumbria. We're the proud owners of a new Eriba Touring Troll 530 which we collected from Airstream and Company at Tebay, Cumbria in the first week of October 2013. We immediately set off in it for a week's holiday in the Forest of Dean and had a fabulous time. We were lucky to catch the very last week of the fine autumn weather that just spilled over from September into early October. We loved the caravan from the moment we started using it!

There were a few problems (they didn't affect our holiday at all) with the electrics fit. In fact everything worked perfectly but there was a mismatch of what we had with what we would have had if we had bought the caravan ex-factory. Airstream agreed to correct this though so it is now back with them for that work. The work is almost finished so we will be collecting it from them again soon.

We downsized from a 7.2m Bailey Pegasus which we towed with a Discovery. We had decided to change the Discovery for a Skoda Yeti 4x4 (so downsizing the car as well) and the Eriba is a better tow match with the Yeti we think. We have only just got the Yeti so have not yet had a chance to tow with it.

We have also joined the Eriba Owners Club but we're not sure how we book up for meets (or get information about them). Their website doesn't seem to have much on it! Can anyone advise on that please?

We're looking forward to lots of good times in our Eriba! It may be small but it's well-designed, well-built and pretty. Small but perfectly formed in fact!

Roger & Marian

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RE: Hello from Cumbria

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:24 pm
by Aaron Calder | 3.834 Posts

Roger and Marian

I've a feeling you're likely to be inundated with responses to your queries.

Randa is your chap for info regarding the Eriba Owners' Club. No doubt he'll be along shortly.

Forum Administrator
2003 Triton 420 and Audi A4 2.0Tfsi S-line SE Cabriolet
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RE: Hello from Cumbria

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:41 pm
by Randa france | 13.325 Posts

Hi Roger and Marian and welcome to the forum. We hope you'll enjoy your visits here.

Regarding the few problems you've had with your new Eriba, there are a couple of owners of 2013 Eribas on here who, we daresay, will respond shortly.

There are also a few Yeti owners on here and we understand that they are a really good choice of tow car. We tow a Troll with a 2litre diesel Touran (a close cousin of the Yeti) and are very pleased with its performance.

There are several Eriba Owner's Club members on here, us included and the EOC send out two newsletters a year with news of forthcoming rallies. Their next event is Charmouth, Dorset 8th-18th May 2014 and their Autumn Rally is Sandwich, Kent 4th-14th Sept. 2014. For more details Email Eric Cox at eriba@talktalk.net
There's also a Summer Rally abroad from 12th-22nd June 2013 at Camping Port Punay, near La Rochelle. We can give you more details if you wish or you can Email the organisers petenant@tiscali.co.uk We will be attending that meet with the Frantones who are also members on here.

Finally, we are currently discussing an Eribafolk meet for early July in Gloucester and more details should be available next week.

Roger and Amanda (Randa)

(ps. OK Mr Cauldron, who are you calling "shortly" )

1999 Eriba Troll 530 pushing a VW Touran 2L TDi Match

Last edited Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:45 pm | Scroll up


RE: Hello from Cumbria

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:44 pm
by hob (deleted)

Time flies like an arrow...................fruit flies like a banana
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RE: Hello from Cumbria

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:30 am
by ellen (deleted)

Proud owners of Doo-Dah our Familia 310
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RE: Hello from Cumbria

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:26 am
by Steamdrivenandy (deleted)

Good to see you here Roger and good to see that Roger Randa has given the lowdown on the EOC.

With regard to your purchase from Airstream, I got the distinct impression early last year that they weren't going to entertain factory orders for customers and would only sell vans they had ordered for stock. IMO that's a bit presumptive when you've never sold a particular brand and never dealt with the manufacturer before. All the Eriba dealers tend to have their own take on a spec. for stock vans, usually based on experience of what most people want on factory orders. If you haven't got that experience then you're taking a risk ordering in stock that it's possible nobody will want except at highly discounted prices. Not good for profitability.
It would be interesting to know what was fitted to your van originally in the electrics dep't if I only so we know how to advise others who have the same kit in future.

Amber a Lunar Quasar 464 Sussex Amberley Sussex Caravans dealer special pushing a '59 reg. Kia Cee'd 3 SW 1.6 CRDi Automatic, a rough towing ratio of 86%.
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RE: Hello from Cumbria

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:59 am
by Deeps (deleted)

2013 Triton 430, VW Touran TDI BM and a Yellow Submarine of course.

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RE: Hello from Cumbria

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:34 pm
by EribaEinstein (deleted)

Thanks Roger and Amanda, this is all very useful! I will post separately about the electrics situation on my Troll. We are looking forward to towing with the Yeti when we get the caravan back! With a Discovery you didn't know you were towing but we think the 2 litre Yeti will be a very good match for the Eriba. We only got the Yeti a week ago and are delighted with it.

Thanks for the information on the EOC. We will email Eric. We hope to get to the Charmouth Rally at least for a few days (we will be en-route for a ferry). In early July though we'll be in France. We do hope to get to La Rochelle in June - we'll email the organisers but if you have any more details that would be great too. We have friends in La Rochelle and plan to visit them anyway - the Summer Rally dates would fit in well with that. It would be nice to meet up with you and the Frantones there as well.

Thanks again for such a helpful reply,


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RE: Hello from Cumbria

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:01 pm
by Randa france | 13.325 Posts

Hi both. It's our pleasure.

I've PM'ed you with some more information.

Look forward to meeting you both in June.

R and A

1999 Eriba Troll 530 pushing a VW Touran 2L TDi Match

Last edited Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:45 pm | Scroll up


RE: Hello from Cumbria

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:02 pm
by EribaEinstein (deleted)

Thanks for your reply Andy. I think your impression of Airstream's initial intentions were correct. I think also that they didn't understand well enough the admittedly complex options structure on the Eriba specifications and pricelists. The sales stock vans had option sets that would not satisfy many UK customers - for example: no battery or battery charging capability; no water heating in spite of the bathroom having a shower attachment option on the "hot" tap (shower a bit dubious anyway in a very small space?). But it would suggest hot water capability especially with mixer taps in the van!.

We ran into the no battery / no charging problem with our ex- sales stock Troll 530 (which had no charger). It also had no water heating but Airstream had a Truma Therme heater in their spares stock. Life was more difficult on the electrics side. The sales stock Troll had a CSV300 PSU that had been factory fitted - this is a simple AC/DC power supply which feeds the 12v circuits when hooked up to mains. So, no battery charging capability. Our sales order specified Hymer's "Autonomy Pack" option which included battery charging capability, an 80ah gel battery, a 12v-circuits isolating switch and wiring outputs for a control panel should the user wish to fit one. All this was achieved in a factory order van by installing not the simple CSV300 but a more sophisticated PSU/Charger unit, the CSV406. None of this was apparent to us at the time and Airstream did nothing to make it clear! The "Autonomy Pack" we had ordered (and were to pay for) included the CSV406, battery and isolator switch. But our caravan had the CSV 300! Both the CSV300 and CSV406 are manufactured by Schaut for Hymer.

Airstream chose to deal with this, not by ordering us a CSV406 but by ordering an add-on charger directly from Schaut. This was fitted to add charging capability to the CSV300. It was a 3-stage intelligent charger but for what we had paid for the "Autonomy Pack", discounting the battery, I would say we could have bought at least 4 such chargers! Moreover the result would have had no control panel output wiring (as the CSV406 has) and no 12v circuit isolation (ditto); to turn off the water pump (possibly urgently) it would have been necessary to remove the correct 12v fuse!

The charger procurement from Schaut was long-winded because Airstream had no 30-day credit or invoicing arrangement with Schaut. This added over a week to the delivery (already late on promise) and almost caused us to have to cancel our booked holiday (rather stressful). The CSV 406//CSV300 situation did not become apparent to us until we had taken delivery of the van on 1 October - we had ordered (ex-stock) on 1 September. We realised, only after collecting the van and reading the Instruction Manual, that we certainly did not have what we had paid for. The CSV460 / CSV 300 situation was then crystal clear. We had working electrics including a battery and means of charging it, but that fell well short of what we should have had. We put this back to Airstream of course and, not for the first time, the Technical Director (Anthony Slocock) was most helpful to us. He assured us that "the right thing would be done". A CSV406 was duly ordered by Airstream and a date in 1st week of December was agreed for us to take the van back to Tebay for the correct electrics setup to be installed. Also, as a gesture to compensate us for what had happened (I think) Airstream agreed to fit a control panel for us at no extra cost so we will have not just a 12v isolation switch but also a voltmeter and two 12v circuit switches (lighting circuits and water-pump circuit).

Anthony has told me that in future Airstream will order sales-stock vans only with the factory-fitted "Autonomy Pack" (CSV406 etc).

I have no idea whether Airstream ordered the CSV406 from Hymer or directly from Schaut; nor do I know what if any refund they were able to obtain for the (used) add-on charger. However the control panel they agreed to fit then proved faulty. I was originally supposed to have the caravan back within 5 days, but it took a month to obtain a replacement control panel; the fitting work is now in progress as I write. The Eriba should be ready anytime (barring further mishaps) but I want to put some miles on my new Yeti before towing with it. So I've agreed to collect my Troll (for the second time) last week of January.

So if you want to have a battery in your Eriba and be able to charge it, make sure you have factory-fitted electrics with a CSV406 PSU/Charger, unless you are really keen on electrical DIY. And do be sure not to pay for something you haven't got! Mind you, for all I know Hymer may have changed all this for the 2014 models - I don't have an Instruction Manual for one of those. But I doubt it.


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RE: Hello from Cumbria

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:15 pm
by Deeps (deleted)

Quote: EribaEinstein wrote in post #10
........for all I know Hymer may have changed all this for the 2014 models - I don't have an Instruction Manual for one of those. But I doubt it.

We'll be attending an exhibition in Stuttgart tomorrow where all things Eriba will be present so we'll take a close look for any changes. You're correct in that owners in the UK may expect more in the way of standard fittings - hot water & battery etc - but I suspect the main reason that things like this are not standard on models sold over here is that there is not much demand for them. Why? Well one reason is that these items reduce the already usable payload and if you throw in a Mover as well you'll be lucky to be able to pack more than one pair of socks.

2013 Triton 430, VW Touran TDI BM and a Yellow Submarine of course.

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RE: Hello from Cumbria

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Fri Jan 10, 2014 10:30 pm
by Steamdrivenandy (deleted)

That's a submariner for you, long lead socks

Whilst the initial payload on a Troll looks enormous on paper (compared to white wobblies) a lot can be eaten up by options with just the spare wheel and carrier plus Autonomy Pack taking 50kg, whilst it can be surprising how much other bits and pieces add up to. More recent Trolls have a 1300kg MTPLM which gives 100kg more than our 2005 540 and should be more than enough unless you wear lead underpants too.

Amber a Lunar Quasar 464 Sussex Amberley Sussex Caravans dealer special pushing a '59 reg. Kia Cee'd 3 SW 1.6 CRDi Automatic, a rough towing ratio of 86%.
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RE: Hello from Cumbria

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:25 am
by Deeps (deleted)

Quote: Steamdrivenandy wrote in post #12
..............unless you wear lead underpants too.

Doesn't everybody? Sorry my lead socks are in the wash.

swimming_2706224b.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)

2013 Triton 430, VW Touran TDI BM and a Yellow Submarine of course.

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RE: Hello from Cumbria

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:53 am
by Unhitched (deleted)

Well it certainly is a minefield of Eriba buying out there....

"Finally, we are currently discussing an Eribafolk meet for early July in Gloucester and more details should be available next week....."
oh I look forward to the details! I'm try ingot o persuade the parents to join this forum having been Eriba owners for many years but he says he has got addicted to these kind of sites in the past and has promised his longstanding wife not to venture into them again. Would they be able to come on the Gloucester Meet if they are not members on here?

BTW...how so you include a quote from a previous post in your reply?

Lee, ' Hitched' to Sarah....and in search of an Eriba to also be hitched to...
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RE: Hello from Cumbria

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:33 pm
by Aaron Calder | 3.834 Posts

When you reply to a post you will see a copy of the post to which you are replying at the bottom of your screen (you may have to scroll down to expose it.)

At the top right of this section you will see "quote". Click on this and the whole of the previous post will appear in your draft reply, like this:

Quote: Unhitched wrote in post #14
Well it certainly is a minefield of Eriba buying out there....

"Finally, we are currently discussing an Eribafolk meet for early July in Gloucester and more details should be available next week....."
oh I look forward to the details! I'm try ingot o persuade the parents to join this forum having been Eriba owners for many years but he says he has got addicted to these kind of sites in the past and has promised his longstanding wife not to venture into them again. Would they be able to come on the Gloucester Meet if they are not members on here?

BTW...how so you include a quote from a previous post in your reply?

You can then delete anything that you don't want to appear in your reply and type your response.

Alternatively you can highlight and copy a section of the previous post and then click on the fifth icon from the left in the row across the top of your screen and paste your copied text between the HTML, like this:

Would they be able to come on the Gloucester Meet if they are not members on here?

but, as you will see, this doesn't give details of the previous post and inserts the German word "Zitat" which means 'citation' or 'quote'.

Hope this helps.

Forum Administrator
2003 Triton 420 and Audi A4 2.0Tfsi S-line SE Cabriolet

Last edited Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:34 pm | Scroll up

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