It never rains etc.
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:20 pmby Steamdrivenandy (deleted)

As well as my heart/kidney issues our GP referred me to the Sleep Clinic back last Spring.
Monday was the long awaited appointment at University Hospital of North Staffs to see the Sleep & Ventilation Doctor. I'd had lots of tests but this was to give me a diagnosis. Turns out I have Positional Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and when I sleep on my back my throat closes and I stop breathing, which wakes me momentarily and has the effect of not letting me sleep deeply and therefore not get the rest that I should.
Having told me that the Doctor then said I should notify the DVLA and they would withdraw my licence! He then went on to say that there was a way round it as long as I didn't drive until they've supplied me with a CPAP machine which should stop the Apnoea. My appointment for being given the machine is the end of Jan., so I have more than 2 weeks off the road. Apparently the machine pumps air at slight pressure into a facemask and that pressure is enough to keep my airway open and stop snoring and keep me breathing.
Then I realised that my bus pass, which could have got me free to either Crewe or Stoke (our local bus route) had been lost with my wallet. So a phone call today to order a replacement which will take 10 days. That was £10 plus £20 for a new driving licence, this lost wallet game is bloody expensive.
But I tell you what, not being able to drive gives you a rotten feeling of isolation.
Amber a Lunar Quasar 464 Sussex Amberley Sussex Caravans dealer special pushing a '59 reg. Kia Cee'd 3 SW 1.6 CRDi Automatic, a rough towing ratio of 86%.

RE: It never rains etc.
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:46 pmby Randa france •

RE: It never rains etc.
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:59 pmby Aaron Calder •

RE: It never rains etc.
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Wed Jan 15, 2014 3:35 pmby Deeps (deleted)

RE: It never rains etc.
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:01 pmby Steamdrivenandy (deleted)

I didn't realise it was a licence busting ailment until the Doc said on Monday, so it was a big shock.
I can understand why narcolepsy is a licence issue and I guess, in theory, lack of rest could lead to someone 'dropping off' and I've been known to have the odd forty winks at times, but never when driving or involved in an activity. What makes it more galling is the doctor reckons I've probably been suffering from it for 30 years and therefore I'm no more unsafe now than I was for all that time. The word 'overkill' comes to mind.
The reason the doctor suggested the voluntary route is that once under treatment it can take months for the DVLA to move their backsides and restore the licence, whereas they move ultra-fast to take it off you. This way I'm not driving for a fortnight and then I tell them and the insurance company when the machine is in place and they both should respond with a 'Thanks very much, carry on driving'.
Of course I could carry on driving for the fortnight but if I had an accident I'd be in trouble with both the Police and the insurance company.
Amber a Lunar Quasar 464 Sussex Amberley Sussex Caravans dealer special pushing a '59 reg. Kia Cee'd 3 SW 1.6 CRDi Automatic, a rough towing ratio of 86%.

RE: It never rains etc.
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:05 pmby Unhitched (deleted)

You have my sympathies SDA as one of my closest friends has "POSA" ( I can't wait to pass that abbreviation on to him!). He was diagnosed in his 30's and was 'dobbed in' by his now wife when they got together. I think loads of people have POSA but don't dare go down the medical route because as you have discovered, it is a reportable sleep disorder to the DVLA! It took him weeks to get used to the sleep mask thingy and was not allowed to drive until his dr was happy he was using it every night and for the whole night and he had to curb his alcohol and lose some weight.
He is now coming up to his 50th year. He still tends to eats too much and drink too much beer!. He has often has his licence suspended until his weight and BMI went down to a level the DVLA medical officer was happy with! I think in total he has lost his licence for at least 12 months about 6 times in 20 years! He has just been told before Christmas that unless he refrains from any alcohol and caffeine 4 hours before he goes to bed and keeps his weight down, then he will lose it permanently. Not good in his line of work! At least he can still enjoy caravanning as his wife always tows and he is not insured for motorway driving. He also will not pass his Re test when he is 70yrs but that's a long way off for him!
Hope it all gets sorted and at least it only a lifestyle change and not life threatening......
Lee, ' Hitched' to Sarah....and in search of an Eriba to also be hitched to...

RE: It never rains etc.
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:11 pmby Unhitched (deleted)

We must have been writing at the same time!
I do hope you are right about the DVLA but his licence got suspended for 3?? months ( rather than taken off him) as soon as they were notified( even though he had been using the mask for 3 weeks) and the DVLA medical officer had to get involved in spite of what his GP and hospital dr said. It did mean that he didn't have to wait for a new licence to be sent so he could get insurance though so yes a quicker response. Not sure how young you are but his was only suspended because he was under 65yrs and so not classed as an AOP!! Be prepared to not be able to drive for the next few months ....
Lee, ' Hitched' to Sarah....and in search of an Eriba to also be hitched to...

RE: It never rains etc.
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:18 pmby Steamdrivenandy (deleted)

Of course it can be life threatening as it's linked to high blood pressure and increased stroke risk. The doctor said that it might reduce slightly if I lost 3 stone, but he felt that was unlikely to happen and the issue would still be there even if I managed to lose the weight.
The other way of stopping it is to sew a tennis ball into the back of your PJs, so you only sleep on your side, but I reckon that would cause me even more lost sleep.
Alcohol doesn't help, but the doc. didn't ban it entirely.
Amber a Lunar Quasar 464 Sussex Amberley Sussex Caravans dealer special pushing a '59 reg. Kia Cee'd 3 SW 1.6 CRDi Automatic, a rough towing ratio of 86%.

RE: It never rains etc.
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:29 pmby Unhitched (deleted)

If losing weight won't make much difference then your condition must be more serious than Brian's.
Sorry I meant it isn't imminently life threatening like cancer etc. and you won't die in your sleep from POSA.
Maybe you are kicking yourself for going down the medial route or relieved that sorting it will help you live longer!
Chin up!
Lee, ' Hitched' to Sarah....and in search of an Eriba to also be hitched to...

RE: It never rains etc.
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:24 amby Unhitched (deleted)

Spoke to my mate Brian tonight...he insists now on being referred to as a POSA and agrees that the mask should be known as 'Crap'!
On a more positive note, he admitted that he made a rod for his own back with his POSA diagnosis. If he had followed medical advice and refrained from alcohol 4 hours before sleep, lost some weight ( but not relevant in your situation ) and had actually voluntarily informed DVLA as soon as he was diagnosed , then life would have resumed with a degree of healthy normality within a few months. DVLA became suspicious of his treatment compliance because his condition was not reported by him for 3 weeks after he was diagnosed even though he followed medical advice on that.
He knows other ' sufferers' who lead a perfectly normal life and have adjusted to being chauffeur driven and still indulge from time to time ( wives and partners permitting!)
At least it won't stop you from enjoying the caravan holidays.
I hope this puts some positive perspective on matters for you.
What touring plans have you got for this season? We are still sifting through what and which Eriba to purchase. It's a minefield out there!!
Lee, ' Hitched' to Sarah....and in search of an Eriba to also be hitched to...

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