Carrying pushbikes in your Eriba
RE: Carrying pushbikes in your Eriba
in Anything Eriba-related Fri Feb 14, 2014 7:42 pmby Tigerlily (deleted)

We've towed our Troll across Europe and England with 2 bikes on the back without any noticeable I'll effects.
Don't have a problem with nose weight as the batterys at the front.
Troll 530

RE: Carrying pushbikes in your Eriba
in Anything Eriba-related Fri Feb 14, 2014 7:52 pmby Randa france •

That's interesting Tigerlily for although we don't have a rear cycle rack, carrying them in the back of our Troll will have more or less the same effect.
As I said previously, we'll carry the table in the car and we also already carry the spare wheel in the car so based on your comments we should be OK.
Are you going abroad this year?

RE: Carrying pushbikes in your Eriba
in Anything Eriba-related Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:04 pmby Steamdrivenandy (deleted)

I don't think you need worry too much about the pendulum effect on Eriba size caravans i.e. excess weight up the back causing it to swing out of control. I suspect that there's so little length between the middle and the end of the van that the forces involved can't come into play as they do on much longer vans.
I've had to remove one of our gas cylinders from the front of our van and put the whole of our 35kg awning right at the back to get the noseweight under the maximum allowed. There's been no sign of instability. In fact the awning poles and bag are 4ft to 5ft long, so when placed on the floor at the rear they reach more than halfway to where the axle crosses under the van.
Putting stuff like that over the axle of a Puck and it'll only leave the odd foot empty at either end.
Amber a Lunar Quasar 464 Sussex Amberley Sussex Caravans dealer special pushing a '59 reg. Kia Cee'd 3 SW 1.6 CRDi Automatic, a rough towing ratio of 86%.

RE: Carrying pushbikes in your Eriba
in Anything Eriba-related Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:32 pmby Tigerlily (deleted)

We used to carry 2 full size folding mountain bikes in the old 430, wedged between the heater and fidge.
We always check the nose weight of the van before setting off on a trip and try to replicate the packing of the van for the return journey.
Off to Switzerland again this summer
Troll 530

RE: Carrying pushbikes in your Eriba
in Anything Eriba-related Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:44 pmby Aaron Calder •

Quote: Steamdrivenandy wrote in post #18I wasn't. I was simply saying that physics dictates that if weight at the drawbar increases noseweight then weight at the rear will decrease it. Whatever the choice, some sort of noseweight gauge and sensible trimming of the balance is essential.
I don't think you need worry too much about the pendulum effect on Eriba size caravans i.e. excess weight up the back causing it to swing out of control.
We have a lightweight propane cylinder and a CampingGaz 907 in the locker, never tow with a full container of water and always empty the toilet cassette and flush tank before a long journey.
As we prefer not to spoil the classic lines of our Eriba by fixing a bike rack and bikes to the rear, the folding bikes were the best compromise as with them stowed between fridge and heater and the Duvalays in front, the balance is excellent and the caravan tows like a dream.
Forum Administrator
2003 Triton 420 and Audi A4 2.0Tfsi S-line SE Cabriolet

RE: Carrying pushbikes in your Eriba
in Anything Eriba-related Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:12 amby Eribafolk Admin. (deleted)

Quote: Linda J wrote in post #11
Does anyone have the drawbar (not the back of the caravan) bike rack fitted and if so how do you like it? They seem to be very expensive!
We have noticed that Sonia and Ricardo carry two bikes on the front of their Eriba g36p477-IMGP.html
Hi both. Can you give more details of your front bike rack?

RE: Carrying pushbikes in your Eriba
in Anything Eriba-related Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:45 amby Rentmyeriba (deleted)

Hello Friends,
this was funny because i was reading the topic from te begining, and say to me "i´m gonna put here some photos of my cycle rack" to show that is possible to transporte on the nose of the eriba without disturbing the manouvers with car and avoying seasours effect.
Ok i´m gonna show some photos and listen to your questions
This is on the body shop to do the suport
Final aspect
Leveling the suport with the frame of the caravan
Some adjusts
Finaly on the rack and aproved for doing manouvers without touching the rear bumper (for milimiters !)
The cycle rack that i´ve buyed was from Thule Xpress Bike Rack 2 like this one
Very easy to set up and with the advantage when i´m nott towing i can use with the ball in the car.
I know that this is not new for you because, this idea i see on some pages on google.
On last summer i was asked how did i manage to put the cycle rack withoutt touching the car ...well i put only the bycicles on it and rest was measures and mathematics as you can see on the photos!
I do one trick that is to put my wifes bicycle in last pushing the front wheel up.
I hope that is clear for you and if you have any doubts please ask.

RE: Carrying pushbikes in your Eriba
in Anything Eriba-related Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:40 pmby Nek (deleted)

Easiest way is through the rear window and onto the bed, but it is a two person job.
We use one of those cheapie picnic blankets (those with plastic on the underside) to lay them on,
and a pipe lagger foam thingy for window sill protection.

RE: Carrying pushbikes in your Eriba
in Anything Eriba-related Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:57 pmby Steamdrivenandy (deleted)

I'm thinking there's got to be a market for 'bike bags'. A big one for the frame andrear wheel and a smaller one for the front wheel. Protects bike and van interior.
Amber a Lunar Quasar 464 Sussex Amberley Sussex Caravans dealer special pushing a '59 reg. Kia Cee'd 3 SW 1.6 CRDi Automatic, a rough towing ratio of 86%.

RE: Carrying pushbikes in your Eriba
in Anything Eriba-related Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:26 pmby Pepé Le Pew •

Quote: Steamdrivenandy wrote in post #25You'll have to be quicker than that.
I'm thinking there's got to be a market for 'bike bags'. A big one for the frame and rear wheel and a smaller one for the front wheel. Protects bike and van interior.
If you do a Google Image search using the same words, there are even some pictures of bags that carry bikes with the back wheel attached, just like what you're after


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