A shot in the arm
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:42 amby Pepé Le Pew •

How many of you geezers get 'flu vaccinations?
Mrs Le Pew and I get one regularly, something which started a dozen or so years ago. We're both self-employed and neither of us can afford the time off work. There ain't no statutory sick pay in Le Pew mews, either.
Or paid leave, or paid bank holidays...
Anyway, for most of those dozen years or so we tagged innocuously onto the end of the queue of doddery old fossils down at the World Health Organisation's field hospital, passing the time holding onto our homburgs as we watched a steady stream of medevac Hueys pounding in and out full of front line casualties bound for triage.
For ten of those dozen or so years nobody thought to ask us if we qualified for a free vaccination, and we happily rolled up our sleeves, availed ourselves of the platefuls of jammy dodgers and cups of tea, and disappeared sharpish.
We went unnoticed. Well, except for the first occasion when Mrs Le Pew dropped her pants instead of rolling up her sleeve.
It caused a bit of a commotion among the more Cretaceous attendees, but it all blew over.
Last year, however, we were ratted out as the freeloaders we are and ejected through the saloon doors, describing an inelegant parabola which ended in the horse trough. We now have to pay for our shots, but it isn't that much.
And the nurse at the pharmacy is much younger and firmer of loin than the gimlet-eyed cardigan-wearing receptionists at the annual NHS inoculation bash.
I've had proper 'flu once, see, and so has Mrs Le Pew. Neither of us ever want to have it again.
Those people who say they've got 'flu but manage to struggle in to work have never had it. Period.
You can't struggle anywhere if you've got proper 'flu. You feel as if you want to die, and sadly, lots of people do. You'd have no chance of getting out of bed even if your house was on fire.
Being hit by a rhinoceros doesn't cover it.
Being hit by a rhinoceros which then comes back and jumps up and down on you just to make sure is getting somewhere close.
So next week, we're off to see the pulchritudinous pharmacy person, bare arms in hand.

RE: A shot in the arm
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Fri Oct 25, 2013 11:17 amby Aaron Calder •

Those people who say they've got 'flu but manage to struggle in to work have never had it. Period.
I couldn't agree more. Even the dreaded man-flu is but a runny nose compared with the real thing so I'd substitute woolly mammoth for rhinoceros in your description. We really did think that there was a risk that we might die when we were struck down one Christmas. The only other time I've felt that bad was when I crossed the Channel on a mate's 26ft yacht in a force 8 breeze. Never again for either near-death experience, thank you!
We have been having the free flu jab ever since I had my bypass in 2001 as I'm considered to be 'high risk' but now that we are both officially 'Old Gits' we qualify on grounds of age alone.
I'm amazed though by how many people who qualify for the free jab don't take up the offer. Some say that it makes them feel ill and gives them flu-like symptoms but I think that's down to over-active imaginations.
I shall be in the queue on Tuesday morning come what may. I just hope I get the female nurse this time.

RE: A shot in the arm
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Fri Oct 25, 2013 11:49 amby Crow (deleted)

I was working a shut down period and a tradesman of the tin bashing persuasion,
joined us at tea break, he looked very red and you could feel the heat pounding off him
"never been off a day in my working life" he said through a blocked nose.
Well I got the Flu, we had a new baby in the house, and both of us went down with it, luckily
the doctor turned up to see the baby and I managed to crawl (literally) down to answer the door.
Well we were in bed for a fortnight, after three weeks I set off for work and got to the end of the road
muscles like water, a neighbour carried me home.
I have had the flu vaccination every year since, I have no problem with it at all, until they added bird
and swine flu to the mix.

RE: A shot in the arm
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Fri Oct 25, 2013 12:31 pmby Randa france •

RE: A shot in the arm
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:10 pmby Pop540 (deleted)

I qualify for the free jab due to an illness and have had the jab twice
but both times, I got the flu / struggled to breath for over 6 weeks!!! as I have a breathing condition, ive never felt so ill, and used the telephone appointment system to call for help because the docs saw id had the flu jab refused to give me anything..
i lost quite a lot of weight was weak and had to rebuild fitness so in total i was a mess for 4months each jab, was also self employed so was very skint..
in my case i will risk the flu as i have not had it in 12 years, well the last jab...
I don't venture out much now a days due to another health issue, so my risk is very low, and i steam clean to reduce germs
i can confirm that illness wasn't due to an over active imagination!!!
i tried it twice and it caused issues but everyone is different so don't let my post stop you from having something that may help you from the flu..

RE: A shot in the arm
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:18 pmby Pepé Le Pew •

RE: A shot in the arm
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:32 pmby Aaron Calder •

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