Hello from Nooka
in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:37 pmby Nooka (deleted)

Hi everyone,
I've been lurking in the shadows for a little while while I get used to being on a forum for the first time. I hope you don't mind?
I haven't got an Eriba yet but I saw one while I was camping in the Lake District earlier in the year and fell in love with the idea of having one one day. They are so cute and just that little bit different from all the other clone caravans that I've seen but, gosh, they do seem very expensive.
I don't know which model to buy but I've found the pictures in the gallery section a great help. Thank you so much for posting them. You are obviously all very proud of your lovely Eribas.
As I said, I'm new to forums so I don't know what is 'normal' and what isn't but I was a bit shocked by all the unpleasantness caused by that man from another forum who was on here at the weekend. Why are people so horrid to each other? Most of it went over my head but it all seemed so unnecessary.
Anyway, I'll probably be asking lots of silly, beginner questions but I think I've come to the right place for advice and assistance.

RE: Hello from Nooka
in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:52 pmby Stew (deleted)

Hi Nooka,
Welcome to the forum. I was a member of the "other" forum and thoroughly enjoyed it until I was summarily banned for having the timerity to join this one. I can tell you that while the membership is small the wealth of experience and friendliness already on this forum is immense. Everyone will be only too pleased to help you. I fell in love with Eriba thirty years ago and it was only four years ago that I actually became an owner. Yes, they are somewhat expensive but no other caravan I know holds its value like an Eriba and the design is just wonderful.
Enjoy the Eriba experience.

RE: Hello from Nooka
in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:05 pmby Aaron Calder •

Welcome. Nooka!
I fell in love with Eribas when I saw one pull onto a campsite in France where we were under canvas. It took us nine months to find one but it has been fun, fun, fun ever since.
There are a couple of people on here who are absolute experts on all things Eriba and will be only too pleased to guide you in making your choice. In Randa you have THE authority on Continental touring should that be of interest to you. As it says above, this is a friendly forum and you are in good hands.
I can tell you that while the membership is small
- for the time being, perhaps.

RE: Hello from Nooka
in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:11 pmby Steamdrivenandy (deleted)

Hi Nooka welcome.
I too fell in love with Eribas many years ago and lusted after them for ages. I spent years researching and eventually bought a 2001 Troll called Poppy (they all have names you know) and a few years later we swapped her for a 2005 Troll called Esmerelda. Sadly I've had to change to a white wobbly box but I still love Eribas and as Steve from Automotive Leisure once said they weren't really designed for people my size.

RE: Hello from Nooka
in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:34 pmby Randa france •

RE: Hello from Nooka
in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:16 pmby Deeps (deleted)

Hi and welcome Nooka. My experience is somewhat different to the earlier posters in that I had never even heard of an Eriba up until several years ago and only got to actually see one this past summer. The hearing part was from the wife who kept going on about them at every available opportunity. The seeing part was when a *pride* (seems like a good word) of them suddenly appeared at the campsite in which we had our tent pitched. Needless to say the wife hounded me constantly to walk around the site studying all the various models. Like all things Eriba I was soon hooked, purchased one mid September, drove it home and into winter storage and now eagerly awaiting Spring.

RE: Hello from Nooka
in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:14 amby Nooka (deleted)

Thank you so much to everyone for the very kind and friendly welcome messages.
In answer to Mr Crow, I have a Citroen Xsara Picasso diesel which I think has the 1.6 engine and I like the look of the Familia or Triton caravans with a toilet. I don't fancy having to dash to the loo across a dark and/or wet campsite for night time emergencies.
I must say that I'm amazed at all the changes on this brilliant forum since my last visit. The Links section is a mine of information for a beginner like me so I've got a lot of reading and catching up to do.

RE: Hello from Nooka
in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:36 pmby Randa france •

RE: Hello from Nooka
in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:42 pmby Deeps (deleted)

RE: Hello from Nooka
in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:43 pmby Aaron Calder •

RE: Hello from Nooka
in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:53 pmby Deeps (deleted)

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