
RE: Capri North Awning

in Anything Eriba-related Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:58 pm
by PooleDweller | 753 Posts


2015 Eriba Triton 430GT pushing a 2011 VW Golf Estate DSG 2L Diesel

Last edited Tue Jun 29, 2021 4:00 pm | Scroll up


RE: Capri North Awning

in Anything Eriba-related Wed Jun 30, 2021 12:19 pm
by highmiler | 367 Posts

Reading this and remembering putting up our Soplair Ardeche pole awning way back in 2014 for the first time, I am prompted to add this.
On my recent trip "Up Norf", having attached the awning to the caravan at the rail, I dropped the pop top roof and folded the whole awning back over the roof with the two corner legs positioned to easily retrieve it. Then I put up the awning poles up, much easier when you're not underneath the awning unsupported, and then retrieved the awning and pulled it back over the poles.Probably halved the time it normally takes. Another innovation for me this year, bought a LIdl rechargable impact drill, and this prompted me to acquire new screw in pegs which are fantastic, screw them in first and then attach the rubber peg strap, and just use small
thin tentpegs for the awning skirt. Now I need to go through my peg bag and take out all the unnecessary pegs that I am currently carting about which will get the weight down!

Highmiler.Troll 530GT and Volvo V70 R AWD
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