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Peter, welcome to the forum. To be honest I think you are going to have a very long search and I doubt you will be successful. Eriba vans are not sold in great numbers and awnings even less so. Add to that your awning was last sold probably 15 years ago and you might see what you are up against.
Good examples of this awning do come up for about £150/200 so you could be lucky there. Another option might be to butcher a 2nd hand set of Isabella poles, but then they would probably not give the fit you require to make the awning perform correctly.
A nice NR frame awning is up for sale on e-bay at present for £160, which if the condition/description is correct is a steal. Werbung: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/165498526085?...iYAAOSwW6lig7OE