In a recent post about a buzzing transformer, I was thinking about posting my electrical upgrade that was prompted by the same issue. The thread
Question for Eriba Electrical experts??
had some photos that seem to have disappeared, but when I looked at the post in the editor, I can see the images are referred to, yet dont show. The 'text' looks like this:
style=display: none;]|addpics|17v-p-32af.jpg,17v-q-d00d.jpg,17v-r-29bd.jpg,17v-s-7f82.jpg,17v-t-edd0.jpg,17v-u-e808.jpg,17v-v-a0f1.jpg,17v-w-afac.jpg,17v-x-db9e.jpg,17v-y-a3dc.jpg|/addpics|[/style
I've removed the opening and closing brackets as otherwise, the string would not display in this post - same problem, I assume?
It's as if the link has been broken somehow. Any ideas anyone?