

in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sat Jul 09, 2022 8:50 am
by Islay Corbel (deleted)

Now we're all back on the road again, my thoughts have turned to making cooking easy. I love cooking and enjoy cooking on holiday too
I won't mention the word Rem...... in case it makes people feel allergic. I was thinking more of food preparation. I've been surfing the web looking at electric graters/slicers, manual ones, ones that work by pulling a string..... (I had one of those, used it once, then nearly sliced off my fingers washing the thing up./ Lethal!) What do you use? .

Betty, 1998 Triton 430 and Colin, a Renault Mégane.
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RE: Cooking

in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sat Jul 09, 2022 8:59 am
by Aaron Calder | 3.834 Posts

I've noticed quite a few people using Cobb cookers. They look very well made but it's a lot of faffing about to cook a single pizza, as I saw yesterday.

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2003 Triton 420 and Audi A4 2.0Tfsi S-line SE Cabriolet
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RE: Cooking

in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sat Jul 09, 2022 9:14 am
by eribaMotters | 5.628 Posts

We are nearing the end of 5 weeks away. The gas has only been used for my Mocha coffee pot.
Every day we have used a Rem... and a single plate induction hob. If I've got electric in with the site fees then why use the gas?
We carry a Cadac but have not used it for ? years. I do not like cleaning it.
We tried a Cobb, but hated cleaning it so sold it on.
If / when it's hot the induction hob goes outside on an extension lead. If you get one just make sue it starts off on a low setting so it does not trip the electrics. Our Tefal has not been a problem on 6 amp electrics but the very nice IKEA one might be.
Other equipment is fairly standard. Good knives, a few stainless saucepans, deep wok style frying pan and some micro graters. No gimmicky toys.


Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol _ ex 430, 552, camplet trailer tent, 310, now a nice white 2017 430.

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RE: Cooking

in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sat Jul 09, 2022 12:28 pm
by Islay Corbel (deleted)

It's the food preparation tools I miss. I have lots of tools at home and sometimes a knife just isn't enough. Mandolines are scary.....

Betty, 1998 Triton 430 and Colin, a Renault Mégane.
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RE: Cooking

in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sat Jul 09, 2022 2:19 pm
by cabbie37 | 699 Posts

Good knives, yes. (and I spend silly amounts of money on really good knives) but the most important thing is a steel to keep them sharp. Dressed with a steel 7 times on one side of the blade and once on the other to remove the burr *every* time they are used will keep them in fine fettle and will make food prep a dream...

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RE: Cooking

in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sat Jul 09, 2022 4:18 pm
by Islay Corbel (deleted)

I cook 2 meals a day, near enough 365 days a year...... so I have a lot of tools at home that help me do this well. I really wanted to know what tools you take in the caravan.

Betty, 1998 Triton 430 and Colin, a Renault Mégane.
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RE: Cooking

in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sat Jul 09, 2022 4:36 pm
by eribaMotters | 5.628 Posts

6 x very sharp knives
1 x sharpening steel
2 x small wooden chopping boards
1 x thin rollable plastic chopping mat
4 x plastic spatula, spoons etc
2 x wooden spoons
1 x small rolling pin (I like making spelt flour flatbreads)
3 pair tongues, wood, metal and plastic
2 x stainless serving spoons
2 x microfiber graters
1 x garlic press (Mrs eribaMotters idea, I chop or grate garlic)
2 x peelers, speed and old fashioned job (Mrs eribaMotters)
1 x bottle opener
1 x corkscrew
1 x tin opener
1 x Small balloon whisk
2 x stainless steel saucepans
1 x stainless steel milkpan
1 x stainless steel saute pan
1 x heavy aluminium induction hob compatible non stick wok
1 x pancake pan
1 x small plastic scales
2 x aprons


Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol _ ex 430, 552, camplet trailer tent, 310, now a nice white 2017 430.

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RE: Cooking

in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sat Jul 09, 2022 4:38 pm
by cabbie37 | 699 Posts

Well, Islay, the Eriba happens to be in the drive at the moment, so I've just been to check. Apart from the aforementioned sharp knives (and the means to keep them sharp) I have a couple of Microplanes, like Colin, a pestle and mortar, a whisk and some collapsible silicone measures. The rest is just standard large spoons and spatulas and the like. To be honest, that's pretty much it. It appears I'm not one for tools! I suppose I tend to eat differently when in the van - in Europe - lots of salad like meals and a 'piece a grillet' on the barbeque..

But then again, I know I'm not as good a cook as you... ;o)

Edit: Colin posted as I was typing.His comprehensive list is very similar to mine, though I dont have an induction hob, though I do have one of those single gas burner things ina little 'suitcase' that runs off gas cannisters...

Last edited Sat Jul 09, 2022 4:40 pm | Scroll up


RE: Cooking

in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sat Jul 09, 2022 4:59 pm
by Steamdrivenandy | 1.068 Posts

Quote: Islay Corbel wrote in post #4
It's the food preparation tools I miss. I have lots of tools at home and sometimes a knife just isn't enough. Mandolines are scary.....

I agree mandolins are lethal. We bought one years ago to make Delia's Potato Dauphinoise. It was used once and never again, luckily we didn't have pink Dauph. but it was a close thing. When at home I use the slicer attachment on the 36 year old Kenwood food processor, otherwise it's just a good knife and a steady hand.

I had nothing to do on this hot afternoon
But to settle down and write you a line

Skoda Karoq 1.5 Petrol DSG
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RE: Cooking

in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sat Jul 09, 2022 6:20 pm
by Islay Corbel (deleted)

Thanks for the responses. I have all the above but do miss the odd machine. There doesn't seem to be anything that you've found. I'm not lugging my Kenwood with me

Betty, 1998 Triton 430 and Colin, a Renault Mégane.
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RE: Cooking

in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sat Jul 09, 2022 6:41 pm
by Captain Calamity | 358 Posts

Having just spent 13 months travelling in the van (waiting for our house to be built) the one absolute essential for us was a nespresso machine. Backed up by hot milk on the hob producing coffee shop standard drinks first thing - heaven!

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RE: Cooking

in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sun Jul 10, 2022 10:35 am
by rambling robin (deleted)

Wire toast pyramid, Remoska, couple of saucepans, frying pan, knife, chopping board, small grater, tin opener, boiled egg timer, couple of wooden utensils......


Rather genteel 2004 Troll 540GT called Matilda pushing a couple of old fogies.
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RE: Cooking

in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sun Jul 10, 2022 1:24 pm
by cabbie37 | 699 Posts

How do you make pizza?

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RE: Cooking

in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sun Jul 10, 2022 1:50 pm
by Julie Grafo | 3.585 Posts

In the Remoska, well we do anyway. They’re not the largest pizza and you eat one while the next one is cooking. Takes a while but homemade pizza is the best. This time of year getting the dough to prove is a doddle in the Eriba.

Julie & Neil. 2008 530GT pushing Honda CR-V 1.6 iDTEC SE+
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RE: Cooking

in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sun Jul 10, 2022 2:42 pm
by cabbie37 | 699 Posts

well, well.. who knew. I purchased a Rem...... a while back and tried it a couple of times at home. I'm not a convert yet. But making pizza for me requires a ridiculously hot oven, Ooni is best

But let's be careful to avoid thread drift, which I appear to have started... Sorry...

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